Default Options

The following options are used by default when you run the CLI with -y or --default:

TurboRepo Configuration

  • TurboRepoName: my-super-turbo

    • This sets the name of the TurboRepo, which organizes multiple apps in a monorepo structure.
  • Workspaces: npm

    • By default, npm is used to manage the dependencies across the project.

React App Configuration

  • React App Name: react-app
  • React Dependencies:
    • reactRouter: true – Adds React Router for client-side routing.
    • recoil: true – Enables Recoil for state management.
    • tailwind: true – Integrates Tailwind CSS for utility-first CSS framework.
    • shadcnTailwind: true – Adds ShadCN Tailwind components for pre-built UI elements.
    • tanstackQuery: true – Uses TanStack Query (React Query) for fetching, caching, and synchronizing server state.

Next.js App Configuration

  • Next.js App Name: next-app
  • Next.js Dependencies:
    • tanstackQuery: true – Uses TanStack Query for server state handling in Next.js.
    • recoil: true – Includes Recoil for state management in Next.js.
    • tailwind: true – Adds Tailwind CSS for styling.
    • shadcnTailwind: true – Pre-built UI components using ShadCN Tailwind.
    • nextAuth: true – Configures NextAuth.js for authentication.
    • prisma: true – Integrates Prisma ORM for database interactions.

Express App Configuration

  • Express App Name: express-app
  • Express Dependencies:
    • cors: true – Adds CORS middleware for handling cross-origin requests.
    • prisma: true – Integrates Prisma ORM for database interactions.

Additional Configuration

  • Git: true – Automatically initializes a Git repository.
  • Install: true – Automatically installs all required dependencies after setup.